Manifest with no time lag instantly

I have a question about instant manifestation. Instant manifestation,

Yes. I know that everything instantly manifested and all through the time delay, yes. The um, I want time delay. Remember, time delay is just an illusion, right? There actually is no such thing as a time delay, okay? There is always instant manifestation every moment. It's just that what you instantly manifest in the next moment may not appear to look very different than what you were manifesting the moment before, but it is completely different.

The way you would then recognize that you're always instantly manifesting is to create the next instant manifestation to look very different from the one before it. That's how you'll tell you're instantly manifesting. That's how instant manifestation would be revealed. But you're already instantly manifesting, but most of you are doing it in such a way that you're creating a sense of flow and continuity in such a slow change appearance that it appears as if there's a time delay when no such thing exists.

The definition of manifestation is not bringing something to you that you don't have; it's making visible what's already here by matching its frequency. You already have everything you need; you just don't know it yet because you can't see it because you're not the wavelength of it yet. It's important to understand that. That's a very important distinction in the idea and the definition of manifestation.

Number two: many people on your planet use this concept of visualization to manifest things, and that's all well and good as a permission slip. But many of you are not using visualization in the most powerful way you could be. If you have a visualization of what you believe is the ideal reality, that's all well and good. But that visualization, that picture of seeing yourself in that ideal reality, number one, needs to be seeing yourself after the fact of that reality happening because you know that once something has already happened, that's a very different energy than waiting for it to happen, isn't it? So have the energy that it's already happened. You're already living it; it's already there. And feel and see yourself in that visualization already living that and feel how exciting that is to you.

As soon as you reach the peak of excitement in seeing that visualization, utterly, totally, absolutely drop the picture. Don't insist on it looking anything like the picture. The only purpose for the picture that your physical mind created was to get you into the state of excitement that's equivalent to whatever the manifestation actually needs to be. Now, sometimes it might coincidentally look very similar to the picture you had, but more often than not, it will look nothing like it. In fact, it will actually look many times better than you imagined.

So if you understand that that visualization is just a symbol of the reality, a symbol of the manifestation, and you just let the energy stand and drop the picture, then the higher mind can actually take that spot that you just created, that vacuum you just created, and fill it with the picture, with the reality, with the experience that actually is representative of the state of excitement that the picture helped you generate. That's how you use visualization.

Because the idea is, and the reason this works, is because your physical mind has no idea how something actually might happen. It's not built to know how something might actually happen. And what it thinks of as the absolute pinnacle of existence, from the higher mind's perspective, might be just the beginning. And it can actually give you something many times greater than you were capable of imagining with the physical mind.

So if you understand that the visualization that your physical mind is capable of generating is actually a limitation on how magnificently the manifestation could happen, you would drop it like a hot potato because you don't want to limit the way it could happen if you know it could happen many times more powerfully, would you? No. So don't think that you have to maintain that particular image. Just let it generate the excitement, hand the excitement over to your higher mind, let the higher mind bring you whatever it needs to bring you, and always assume that the next thing that happens is part of your excitement, part of the path of leading you to everything you need to be led to. Give it a positive meaning, and you will see that it will have a beneficial and positive effect. That's how it works. Does that help you?

The only parameter for instant manifestation

Allow yourself to imagine the thing that you say you wish to do in the most exciting way you wish to do it and ask yourself if you believe beyond the shadow of a doubt if that can manifest within a certain amount of time. When you can answer yes immediately after asking the question, then you reduce the amount of time and keep reducing the amount of time and ask the question again until you suddenly find even the slightest amount of hesitation in your response to say yes.

As soon as you find the slightest hesitation, you know right there that that's exactly how much time it will take according to your current belief system. If you wish to reduce the amount of time, you have to find out by investigating your beliefs what beliefs you're holding on to that say it has to take that amount of time. Once you have addressed that belief and have integrated it, you can begin the process again and you may find out that it will actually now take less time than you thought it would by having integrated that previous belief.

Keep going down and down and down until there are no more beliefs to integrate and whatever time really is remaining at that point that you feel is necessary will be the natural amount of time it will take according to the belief system you believe it's important to hold on to for your growth and your process at that point.

Is it a potential in our lifetimes everyone here that we will be able to tap into being able to manipulate reality itself? You are manipulating reality itself. Cool, so we'll be able to... One moment, one moment, one moment. Let us clarify. Please understand, when you hear things like "learn to create your reality," "learn to manifest," "learn to trust," these things are not things you actually have to learn to do. What you need to learn is that you're already doing it, and you need to become consciously aware of the fact that you're already doing it. You're already manifesting everything you experience. You're already creating your reality. You're already trusting in something 100% of the time, aren't you?


If you weren't trusting in something, you would have no experiential reality at all. So the issue is, you don't have to learn to manifest, you don't have to learn to trust. The question is, what are you trusting in? What are you manifesting with the mechanism you are already using? So just become more aware of the fact that you're already shifting, you're already changing, you're already manifesting automatically. You can't help it; it's in your nature. If you weren't doing it, you would have no experiential reality at all. So the fact that you're having an experience means you're already manifesting. You don't have to learn how to do it; it's part of your nature. But let it become conscious so that you can consciously choose what you prefer as opposed to unconsciously manifesting what you don't. You see the difference?

And it is all about the difference in definition. Because when you define that you don't know how to manifest, when you define that you have to learn to trust, when you define that you have to learn to be abundant, you're already setting yourself back several paces. Because now you're assuming you have to learn to do something that, in fact, you're already doing and don't have to learn. So allow yourself to speed the process up by recognizing that you're already doing these things. And watch your definitions. The definitions of what you define your reality to be are key.

For example, many of you define the idea of abundance or lack of abundance in the following way: You say, "I have a lack of abundance." That's not possible. There is no such thing as a lack of abundance. Everything is always absolutely abundant. What you're actually saying is you have an abundance of lack. But you see, you still have abundance. So it's not about having to learn to be abundant. It's about paying attention to what you believe you're abundant in. And then you can change what the form of abundance is. Because you don't have to learn to be abundant. You just have to change what form of abundance you prefer. See how much easier that is?


Watch your definitions. Your definitions are everything in the creation of your reality experience.

Makes sense?

Makes sense. Thank you.


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